Adding citation to a paper created by someone else

From my search in the forum, I understood that we cannot just import the citations in the word document created by somebody else to our own library.
I have created a document with 70+ citations. My colleague will work on the document. If he is not changing my references, can he only add new reference?
  • Hi,
    you can work together on a document and add citations if these are all shared in a shared group library. So you need to setup a group library.
    What does not work is if you and your colleague each add references from your individual libraries "my library".
    I am not sure, but I think if you have already added citations from your individual library ("my library"), then you would need to add all of these items to the group library first, and then replace the citations in the document with those from the group library, but I may be wrong about this.
  • What does not work is if you and your colleague each add references from your individual libraries "my library".
    No, that does work. When they insert citations in the document, items inserted by you will be listed as "Cited" in the quick format (default) add citation dialog (you can't use the classic one) and they can add them, as can you with items they insert. There are two downsides to this method, which is why we would indeed recommend using a group from the start, but they're not showstoppers:
    1. Neither of you will be able to update the metadata of items cited by the other (so, e.g., if he finds a typo in one of your citations, he won't be able to fix it.
    2. If he inserts an item you already cited but inserts it from his library rather than "Cited", that will be treated as a duplicate and appear duplicate in the bibliography and be disambiguated in the citation.
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