[Report ID: 455843203] Built-in Reader double displays text layer and PDF image

edited February 8, 2024
Report ID: 455843203

When double clikcing on a PDF file through the native Zotero reader, it shows the text layer alongsdie with PDF image, and the end result is a highly blurry text, which looks like something below


It only happens with the build-in reader (the file looks normal when opened through Adobe), and only happens on the Windows versions of Zotero.

Restarting the computer or Zotero itself very occasionally fix the issue, but relies on luck.

Does anyone have an idea what may be causing the issue? Thanks!
  • Could you test if the issue persists on Zotero 7 beta?
  • After more testing, I think I discovered the cause. It is "high contrast mode" in Win 11.

    Turn on high contrast mode (I'm using the "desert" theme)
    Open Zotero, and double click on a pdf file
    The blurry double display occurs and the highlights tool bar also "loses color", like below

    How to fix:
    Close Zotero completely
    Turn off high contrast mode
    Open Zotero again, and it's back to normal

    I'm using high contrast mode to help with note-taking, but I guess it's not yet compatible with the built-in reader yet.
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