Zotero 7.0 is slower than 6.0

Currently, the issue with Zotero 7.0 is that it lags when opening related PDF files and browsing through the files. The preview of PDFs also suffers from this lag. The performance is not as smooth as Zotero 6.0. Hoping for an improvement in this regard.
  • You'd have to provide examples. The software in general has gotten significantly faster from 6 to 7 and the PDF reader should have minor speed improvements (and that's definitely what most people are seeing and saying)
  • I have similar experiences with Danielsolucky. Zotero 7.0 is soooooo slow, especially when loading pdf files.
  • I rewrite Zotero with 6.0.36. Everything is good and smooth now.
  • As requested before: specific examples are needed in order to understand the cause.
  • @Danielsolucky, @caoqian199502_nju: Something is very wrong if Zotero 7 is slower for you. Zotero 7 should be dramatically faster in most ways.

    There was a regression in recent betas that could cause things to slow down while files were syncing. That should be fixed now in beta 78.

    If you're still seeing this in beta 78, you'd want to test in Troubleshooting Mode (Help → "Restart in Troubleshooting Mode…”), which disables all plugins. If you're still having trouble after that, we'd need more details on what exactly is slow.
  • I'll try to test in Troubleshooting Mode when I have time, maybe in June. I'm very happy with Zotero 6 right now.
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