Help!!!! How do people prepare manuscripts with Zotero?


I really love Zotero and realize that Zotero has limitations with journal abbreviations. Now that I have a manuscript ready to submit having used Zotero Word plugin, how can I get the correct journal abbreviations? Doing it manually will take too much time. Few of the abbreviations are correct. I am assuming that at least some people on this board have journal publications using Zotero. If so, what did you do to get the correct abbreviations in your submitted manuscript?

Is there any way to export the references directly from Word (in the order they are in) and import them into Endnote and use Endnote to obtain correct referencing? Or another way to do it?

I am very curious how other people have been able to publish using Zotero without manually changing every single reference. Any suggestions are welcome.

Thanks so much,
  • I don't think there is any way around doing this manually.
    You can do that either in Zotero or in your document (the former may be a better idea).
    To put things in perspective - everyone used to do this manually...

    I can't really think of a good way to make this work with Endnote - I guess you could export all references from Zotero (from Word won't work) to Endnote and create a bibliography - but that only works if the bibliography is alphabetical.

    Other people have either published in journals that don't ask for abbreviations (those are used pretty much only in the hard sciences and medicine. Many people publishing in the hard sciences use LaTeX/BibTeX anyway and use Zotero just to collect citations, not to actually cite), or they've adjusted the abbreviations manually.
  • edited November 1, 2009
    My solution was to edit the field manually.
    There is no easy way to automate this. Different journals use different ways to abbreviate journal titles in their reference styles (i.e. with or without dots, JBC vs J Biol Chem,...). This has been discussed before:

    Zotero has a field 'Journal Abbr' (right pane), which should be populated automatically by the translators and if your reference style requires abbreviate title it will be used instead of the full title. The problem is that for various reasons it is often left blank or filled in with the full journal name.
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