Swithc from zotero-snap to manually installed Zotero via download

I installed Zotero using snap a long time ago but now that I am more familiar with the Ubuntu OS I would like to switch away from zotero-snap to a manually installed Zotero (the snap is not being updated as many people have observed).

What I do not understand is if I run the risk of loosing the data in my Zotero database (I am also using a Zotfile setup refering to GoogleDrive) if I switch to a manually installed Zotero tarbal from the download page? Loosing my Zotero database entries would be a serious problem.

Is there info somewhere on how to switch away from zotero-snap to a manual Zotero install?

Thx - RVE
  • edited December 13, 2023
    We can't help with the snap, but you can just find your Zotero data directory and make sure you have a backup of it before uninstalling the snap. If you're on Ubuntu, you'd probably want to then use zotero-deb, which is a bit easier to use than the official tarball.

    (Removing Zotero program files never affects the data directory in general, but I don't know where the snap stores its data.)
  • Hi - thanks for the suggestion. I'll give this a go and report with a procedure that works.
  • dstillman, thanks for your explanation. It would be great if you could write the commands for the terminal. I read the instructions in the zotero-deb, but I don't understand them. I have Zotero on my computer already. I downloaded the latest version. I extracted the package, and I opened the terminal in the folder. In the terminal, I wrote the command: sudo apt update. This message showed up: The repository 'https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/tista/adapta/ubuntu jammy Release' does not have a Release file.N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.
    What shall I do?
    Thank you.
  • That message does not relate to zotero-deb. If you want to use zotero-deb, execute the 3 commands under the "installing zotero" header. If those don't work, open an issue on github.
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