Using Zotero on iPads

We're looking at teaching our students to use Zotero for their research projects but our students are all provided iPads. I'm having a hard time figuring out what's the best way to instruct them to use it. Any suggestions would be incredibly helpful, thank you!
  • I'm not sure what you're asking. You're aware of the Zotero iPad app?

    You can read about all the functionality of the app in the App Store description. There's not a lot more to say beyond that. The iOS app isn't intended as a replacement for the Zotero desktop app and doesn't have nearly the same functionality (e.g., word processor integration), but assuming we're talking about high school students, it might be sufficient.
  • Hi there, sorry I should have better phrased my question. I have tried using the iPad app but when you connect an article from a database it seems to not save it with a permalink so when you go to return to the article the link has expired.

    Additionally, these are college students so the full functionality would be beneficial so that is good to know the iPad app does have all the options. Thank you for the feedback!
  • I still don't know what you mean. What do you mean by "when you connect an article from a database" mean? Can you explain the exact steps you're referring to?

    You save to the iOS app via the share button in the browser, and it works more or less the same as the Zotero Connector.
  • When I save an article to the app and afterward I try to access that article again by clicking on it in the app it brings to a log-in screen for EBSCO rather than directly to the article I saved. So it must not be attaching a permalink to the resource when it saves it in the app?
  • @Robertsda it saves the PDF. Otherwise maybe you’re not subscribed or there was a mistake when importing.
  • That is good to know it saves the article as a PDF, thanks for that info! We definitely have access to the article I tried importing so there must have been a mistake importing. I have tried the same things with a few other articles but have had the same thing happen. Is there another way I can try importing the article into zotero that could avoid whatever the error is that keeps happening?
  • Hi @Robertsda. I might be going down a rabbit hole but how are you proxying access to your licensed content? Many campus will use some sort of authentication tool like EZ Proxy and I'm wondering if some of you challenges are residing there.
  • No, Zotero should save fine from content behind EZproxy — that's how most people have access to gated content.
  • Hi there we do use an EZ Proxy to give our students access. I do think the problem lies in the Zotero iPad app because I tried using Zotero on my desktop and it worked just fine.
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