Cannot install BetterNotes

I downloaded the .xpi file of the last release of BetterNotes (1.1.4-49).
I tried to install it, but I got the answer
"The add-on "%S" could not be installed. It may be incompatible with this version of Zotero."
I tried to install older versions of BetterNotes, but I got the same message.

My version of Zotero is the last stable one (6.0.30). Should I use the beta-version 7?

Thank you.
  • edited January 15, 2024
    Any problem with an plugin should be reported to its developer. You probably would have more luck using the stable version rather than a pre-release.
  • Thanks both of you.
    Dear _wong, sure I read the readmi before trying to install it. I attempted exactly what the readmi sated.

    poettli, should I contact him through github, or through this forum?
  • The built-in notes capabilities of Zotero 7 are quite impressive. If you aren't totally dependent on plugins like Zutillo that aren't Z7 compatible; I personally recommend going to Zotero 7. I've been using 7 for months and find it as or more stable and friendly than 6. The only caveat is if you are in the midst of something like a thesis.
  • @pierosparviero hsiangyu_wong is the dev of BetterNotes, but as a general rule, for any Zotero plugin, contact through the dedicated page (in this case, GitHub).
  • contacting me through github is welcome, though I will randomly check the forums posts.

    For Z6, you should either use:

    v1.0.4 (last for Zotero 6)
    v0.8.9 (last with auto-insert, tag-insert, math-ocr, for Zotero 6)

    according to the readme. make sure you are downloading the right version.
  • Thanks all of you. K didn't answer before, because I was traveling and I didn't have my computer.
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