Font size of the bibliography in Word

Hello, I have such a problem. Every time I update the bibliography in my document, it becomes a font size of 12. In my work, the font size should be 14. I have not been able to find in the style editor where I can change this so that the default font of the bibliography text in documents is size 14 and the distance between lines of the text is 1.5
  • Exactly how to do this depends on the version of Word you are using.

    The font size of text in your bibliography is controlled within Word by the style setting for that part of your document. (Not by Zotero.) If you need guidance look to Word help for "styles" or maybe try YouTube and search for "MS Word styles".
  • edited January 15, 2024
    I use word version 2312
    I understand Word styles, I just have a style with a font size of 14. I can highlight the bibliography and assign these characteristics. But when I press the "refresh" button, the style takes off and the text size in the bibliography goes back to 12. Is it possible to somehow make it so that after pressing the "refresh" button, the word style does not take off from the bibliography?
  • (it does, yes)
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