Dictionary feature in right-click menu

An easy, helpful, feature would be to include the "look-up" option when highlighting a word and right-clicking, in the PDF within Zotero. As it is now, one can highlight or copy.

All Apple apps have this option, and it does make it better.
  • This isn't something we're currently able to support via the menus, but you can use Cmd-Control-D to trigger it in any Mac app, including Zotero.
  • @dstillman, Can you explain why supporting the "Look Up" feature in the contextual menu is impossible? Parts of Zotero Desktop already support the feature. For example, try a three-finger click on a word in the note editor.

    Is there a limitation in the PDF viewer that prevents the "Look Up" feature?
  • The Look Up feature also works fine on the iPad version of Zotero, I agree that it would be a very useful thing to be able to do on a desktop Mac.
  • @weasel5491 Three finger tapping is an action controlled by macOS, whereas the right click menu is controlled by the app itself. The version of the Firefox platform that Zotero is currently built on doesn’t support accessing the Lookup feature (especially because it is only available on macOS and not cross-platform).
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