'Web Page' does not display in "New Item" drop down list in menu bar

If I want to add a Web Page record to my Zotero library I have to create a new item and then change the Item Type manually – I am unable to select "Web Page" from the New Item menu because it is not displayed. See below screenshot from ver. 6.0.30

  • A-ha! Thanks!
  • While I understand that the Zotero Connector method of adding a webpage is preferred, it's not mandated. It keeps getting reported as an error and certainly would appear to be an error. It seems that much time to users and developers could be saved in error reporting and answering if we had the web page option on the New Item menu. If the goal is to direct people to Zotero Connector, perhaps the New Item button for Web Page could bring up a message that recommends the Zotero Connector method and offers the user a chance to cancel or proceed--and has a flag that says you don't want to see the message anymore.
  • > . If the goal is to direct people to Zotero Connector, perhaps the New Item button for Web Page could bring up a message that recommends the Zotero Connector method and offers the user a chance to cancel or proceed--and has a flag that says you don't want to see the message anymore

    Yes, that's what dstillman agreed with some time back. I think that's still planned
  • Thanks, @adamsmith. I thought I had a vague recollection....
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