Export inproceedings with crossref

edited January 11, 2024
I have the items below in my bib files, which were generated by hand.
The point I want to emphasize is the use of crossref within an inproceedings item.

Is there any way of exporting this from within Zotero, perhaps by using some extension?

#Item 1
title = {Impact of Rock Plasticity on Hydraulic Fracture Propagation and Closure},
author = {{van Dam}, D. B. and Papanastasiou, P. and {de Pater}, C. J.},
pages = {SPE-63172-MS},
doi = {10.2118/63172-MS},
crossref = {speatce2000},
url = {https://onepetro.org/SPEATCE/proceedings/00ATCE/All-00ATCE/SPE-63172-MS/132186},

#Item 2
title = {2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition},
booktitle = {2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition},
publisher = {Society of Petroleum Engineers},
address = {USA},
year = {2000},
month = oct,
eventdate = {1–4 October, 2000},
venue = {Dallas},
location = {Texas},

  • Definitely not with Zotero out of the box. I understand what this does, of course, but what's the use case (as opposed to just putting all data into inproceedings as Zotero does)?
    @emilianoeheyns are you supporting crossref in BBT?
  • There's not enough information in Zotero to do it automatically (I can't assume relations are always crossrefs), but manually it could be done by adding tex.crossref: speatce2000 to the extra field.
  • @adamsmith

    The use case is having "centralized" the info about a conference (@proceedings). This might need editing by hand, but only once.

    This way, each item might have incomplete/inaccurate information about the Conference (a usual case when obtaining the information via Zotero connector, or importing PDFs as links and then creating a parent item), and crossref would take care of it.
  • Right, but you're using Zotero to generate the bibtex so (absent hierarchical relationships there) it's either unnecessary (because the metadata about the proceeding already matches) or impossible (because how would Zotero pick which one to use or even tell they're the same).
  • edited January 11, 2024

    I don't understand your comment.
    I have just exercised the solution by @emilianoeheyns, and it does exactly what I need.

    So now I don't need to enter manually all the information in Zotero for Item #1 (which was not picked correctly). I only need to enter manually tex.crossref: speatce2000, and perhaps some later deletion in my generated bib (which is always faster and simpler than entering data).

    And if I realize I need to change anything about Item #2, I do it only once.
    For me, the use case is very clear, I wonder why it isn't for you.
  • edited January 20, 2025
    Make sure to pin your keys if you use the extra route - the extra field containing the crossref won't update when the citation key of the entry its pointing to changes.

    It's a paradigm that's strangely particular to bibtex. I hope that if book/chapter relations come to Zotero, this will too.
  • edited January 20, 2025
    Going back to this need, as stated above I managed to enter Item #1 in Zotero, with the caveat by @emilianoeheyns.
    But I don't find entry type proceedings for Item #2. Is that normal?
    As of now, I have manually written that entry in my .bib files, but I don't have it in my Zotero.

    The closest I found is Book, but it doesn't have many of the fields I often use for a proceedings. E.g., booktitle, eventdate, venue, location. I am not sure if they should be added in the extra field, if I should use some other field as a substitute, etc.

    1. As per this (old post), both title and booktitle are needed https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/123254/67605
    2. This reference page seems to provide only partial information https://bibtex.eu/types/proceedings/

  • If I understand your question correctly, there's nothing that maps from a Zotero type to @proceedings. If you want that you will have to add tex.entrytype: proceedings to the extra field, or use a postscript to set it dynamically.
  • edited January 20, 2025
    Your solution worked fine. Plus, I could also add other fields using further lines in the Extra Zotero field. E.g., to get

    booktitle = {49th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium},

    as a field in the @proceedings item, upon
    Right click on an item -> Export item
    I would add line

    tex.booktitle: 49th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics

    to the Extra field.
    I could not find the way to get empty fields like

    booksubtitle = {},

    in the export, but I can live with that.
  • For Zotero conference-paper items, the proceedings title maps to booktitle.

    You can get booksubtitle = {{}} by using tex.booksubtitle = {}, but single braces is not possible outside a postscript.
  • I don't understand your comment.
    To get a @proceedings upon Export item, I do as you say:
    1. Create a Book item.
    2. Add "tex.entrytype: proceedings" in Extra.
    3. Add "tex.booktitle: 49th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics" in Extra to get "booktitle = {49th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium}".

    Do you mean I can skip step 3, and enter "49th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics" in some other field instead to get the same?
    Which combination (item type / field) should I use to get this booktitle?
    I have just tried with (Conference Paper / Proceedings Title) and it didn't work.
  • Only if you create it as a "conference Paper" type, not a Book type. For Book type, you have to add tex.booktitle.
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