How to import a tagged bibtex file into Zotero Collections

Hi, I'm just trying to move from an old Reference manager ( to Zotero.

The bibtex file that I want to import into Zotero has a filed called "tags" which contains one character string with one or more tags (e.g., tags="precipitation, multi-objective calibration").

I would like to use each one the tags included in that 'tags' field to create a different Zotero Collection. For example, if the only tags used in the bib text file were "precipitation" and "multi-objective calibration", I would like to obtain two different Zotero Collections, one called "Precipitation" and other called "multi-objective calibration"

Is there any way of doing the previous type of import?
  • Not before import (without writing code to transform your bib file), no, but one possibility is:

    1. download JabRef and rename the tags field to keywords.
    2. Import the file into Zotero
    3. Per tag:
      • create a folder
      • select the tag on the tag selector (bottom left)
      • drag the visible entries into the new folder

    It's not automated, but if there aren't too many tags, this should be doable. If you have a lot of these tags, you can attach your bib file here, and I can modify it so that it will create the folders on import.

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