error message when importing a .ris file

I keep getting an error message when I try to import a .ris file.

"The selected file is not in a supported format."

Then it directs me to where it says .RIS files are supported.

  • edited December 22, 2023
    What operating system are you using? Where did you obtain the file?

    Some OS settings allow the file extension to be hidden (you see file.ris but the real file name is file.ris.txt).

    The file may not be a properly formatted RIS file. Zotero is rather forgiving about some of the formatting requirements but (I believe) that the each record _must_ begin with:

    TY - JOUR (or some other document type)

    and end with

    ER -

    You can concatenate multiple item records if each record ends with a properly formatted end record ER tag.


    If you will provide the first 15 (or so) lines of your file someone will be able to help with greater detail. Include enough so that we can see the end of one record and the beginning of another.

    Some RIS problems can be very easily repaired with a few moments using text-editor software.
    [It may be that Zotero can now read a misnamed RIS file (file.ris.txt)]
  • @drgehring: If you think you have a valid RIS file, reset your translators from the Advanced → Files and Folders pane of the Zotero settings and try again. If it's still not working, provide a Debug ID for an attempt that fails.
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