Live Zotero editing in Word or LibreOffice after pandoc conversion from LaTeX

Hi. I searched for this topic, but basically only found a discussion about how to convert "Zotero in LaTeX" to Word. The situation we have is that we created a manuscript using RStudio, knitr, pandoc and LaTeX. In order to submit the paper to a journal, we produced a Word document (using the "knit-to-Word" button in RStudio, which ultimately passes through pandoc and its CSL files).

Now we have to make revisions to the paper. We thought it best to edit the Word document that we submitted (but that could be a mistake). And it appears that the Zotero Word plugin doesn't recognize the existing bibliography and citations as something that it produced. So, even if we add citations, they don't integrate with the existing bibliography.

(One of the coauthors also uses LibreOffice, so we would also like to share citations across the Word - LibreOffice boundary.)

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