[SOLVED] Various errors in importing from valid RIS file

edited November 19, 2023
I want to import this article into Zotero: https://www.proquest.com/docview/2886392608/fulltextPDF/B6175F612CE04845PQ/4?accountid=9652#

It's a MIT Technology Review article accessed through ProQuest.

I clicked on Cite, selected RIS and then Continue.

Then in Zotero I did File -> Import and imported the file.

1. Zotero doesn't import the title, despite the fact that it is present in the exported RIS file. The title is specified in the "T1" fiels, which is a valid field for titles according to the RIS standard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RIS_(file_format)).

2. Also, all the other imported fields have a dash before them. Notice that the RIS standard provides the dash as a valid separator between tags and fields, so it should not be imported.

My file appears to be a valid RIS file.

Zotero v. 6.0.30.

Here is the RIS file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/10b14224cc/logs/main/ProQuestDocuments-2023-11-19.RIS

EDIT: Uploaded file to GitHub because the forum converted two consecutive spaces into one space, which would make the RIS file invalid. My RIS file is valid.

  • Have you used Better BibTeX in the past? This would happen if you have Better BibTeX translators installed but no longer have BBT installed or enabled, or if you otherwise have some unofficial translator that's triggering an error. (In Zotero 7, currently in beta, we've fixed it to so that errors from one translator don't cause other general breakage.)

    In any case, reset your translators from the Advanced → Files and Folders pane of the Zotero preferences and it should work.
  • Yes, I had BBT, now I reformatted my PC and forgot to install BBT.

    It was a .RIS file, so I couldn't have come near to think that it was due to BBT not being installed.

    I reseted the translators as you suggested and now it's importing the .RIS file perfectly.

    Good that this is fixed in 7 :)
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