Does "unlimited" mean "unlimited" or is there a "fair usage" policy?

I'm paying for the Unlimited storage plan because I want to synchronise attached files as well as data between my computer and my tablet and phone. Everything is working fine, so no complaints there, but since I would like to manage my whole library - physical books as well as PDFs - I'm just wondering if I risk at some point going over an unspecified limit if I have maybe thousands of attached files. My iPad has 1TB of memory, so no problem there, but is there a "fair use" policy with the Zotero cloud storage that might limit me? Thanks
  • Usage within Zotero’s core purpose (storing research materials) is fine and unlimited—you don’t have to worry about storing books and article PDFs. Trying to use Zotero as a general purpose file sharing program (eg, to store many TBs of movies) might be limited, but your use case is solidly within Zotero’s intended function.
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