Support for adding citation via Wikidata identifier - is it possible?


I've been using Wikidata for many things related to citations, and now I am trying to expand the connection to Zotero.

It would be extremely useful for me to use Wikidata QIDs (e.g. to add citations to My Library, for example via the "Add Item(s) by Identifier" button.

Do you know if that is possible? I'd be glad to contribute code if needed, after some pointers.

  • I can import the article via the Zotero Connector in Firefox, maybe that's an option for you too?
  • Thanks for the reply! I can do that, thanks. I was looking for a semiautomatic way (pasting a list of QIDs, for example).

    I am doing some workarounds converting QIDs to DOIs to bibtex and it works too.
  • I think there's another thread on this that also includes a list of QIDs that'd make sense to import (because obviously we neither want to nor can do all).

    I think this is a good idea, PRs (to the translator repository) welcome. No idea if/when someone is going to get to this, though CCing @ZoeCMa in case they're interested.
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