Feature request: desired to easily obtain the relative path to the paper item

I feel embarrassed when I want to index one specific paper item.
I cannot determine the position of this paper unless I search using the paper name, especially when I organize the papers in a complicated hierarchy.

It will be better if zotero can support a feature like path organization (like Linux OS), with the highest repository as `/`.

Right-click can give me an option of fast obtaining the abs path to the paper.
  • I might have misunderstood you, but Zotero is not a filesystem. Your collections and subcollections are not folders. A paper (item) can be under multiple collections, so there is no absolute or direct path for it.

    If you are trying to find which collection(s) one item may be under,

    If you want to find the folder the attachment file (like a pdf) is saved on your computer, right click on the specific item or attachment file, and select Show File in the context menu that appears.
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