Delete account (web)

In cleaning up my Zotero libraries, I realized I actually have two different Zotero accounts. I've cleaned things up enough that I'm ready to delete one, but I can't figure out how to do that. I'd prefer to do it in the web version as I don't want to risk anything happening to the "good" account that's syncing on my laptop. Any advice?

Thanks! --Jenn
  • Using your browser log out from your good account on then sign in again using the account you want to delete. Once signed in and confirmed that you're on the account you want to delete, go to settings (it's either visible in the header or available when you click on a dropdown menu next to your login name), then account and there is an option at the very bottom of the page Permanently Delete Account.
  • Or just go here:

    But be sure you're logged into the account you want to delete!
  • Oh geez, how did i miss that link the first time? (smacks head)

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