Zotero can't locate "Zotero 6.0.20.msi" installation file + can't import RIS files?

Hi - I've had a problem with trying to run zotero for a while now, it keeps asking to locate a .msi file which, from the threads, is some sort of installation file, any ideas? when I search via 'browse' the windows browse field is locked to finding a .msi file and so won't detect to an .exe file (which is a windows system search returns when searching for the "zotero 6.0.20.msi" file...

Any ideas - thanks
  • edited November 2, 2023
    That's not anything from us. You can download Zotero from the download page. You shouldn't get it from anywhere else, and you should delete whatever that is on your system.

    The only exception is if this is an institutional computer and your IT department installed Zotero, in which case you'll need to talk to them.
  • Hi, thanks - a bit weird as it looks like zotero and I've only downloaded it from the official zotero website, but, I'll uninstall and re-install [though that means I'll loose the link between my PDF articles and sources - ca. 1360! - and reestablish as I use them... :( ] - thanks...
  • edited November 3, 2023
    Uninstalling/reinstalling Zotero does not remove your data. When you reinstall, your data and attachment files will still be there and should be recognized (unless you moved your data to a non-default location - then you'd have to let the newly installed Zotero know that directory).
  • edited November 3, 2023
    @xorepe: You definitely did not download an .msi from the Zotero website.
    unless you moved your data to a non-default location - then you'd have to let the newly installed Zotero know that directory
    No, even that wouldn’t matter. Reinstalling Zotero has no effect on data.
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