Google Docs issues

edited October 17, 2023
report ID: 512038473

I cannot get my google document to update or add new references. I've worked through the troubleshooting of restarting/deleting but nothing seems to fix it.
  • Google servers are experiencing some issues right now, which is likely what's causing this. We've reported it to them and are expecting it to be resolved on their side.
  • edited October 17, 2023
    Just to note, this is also causing the following message to appear erroneously for some users:
    The document citations are being edited by another Zotero user. Please try again later.
    We're still seeing elevated error rates and are waiting to hear back from Google.

    In the meantime, if you're affected by this, you can try moving your document to Word or LibreOffice by making a copy of the document (File → Make a copy) and following the steps on Moving Documents with Zotero Citations Between Word Processors. Note that it might take a few tries for it to go through without an error, or it might not work at all, but it's the only thing we can suggest at the moment.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. We'll post again when we have any updates.
  • (We were the first to report this to Google last night, but we're now seeing reports of this from other developers with millions of affected users, so we're hopeful that this will be fixed shortly.)
  • We haven't heard back from Google, but it looks like error rates have dropped over the last few hours, so there's a good chance this is fixed.
  • The issue is not fixed. I still cannot add any new citations
  • edited October 18, 2023
    @agnespt: It's definitely been mostly fixed — errors rates have returned to normal.

    If you're still having trouble, please start a new thread and provide a Debug ID for reproducing the problem. You might just be getting an unrelated error.
  • Also, to clarify, if you're still seeing the message about the document being locked, you just need to override the lock in that dialog. The problem has been resolved, but documents that were locked because of the error may stay that way until you unlock them.
  • how do you "override the lock in that dialog" ? I am still having the error message appear.
  • The way to fix this is:

    - Get the error message.
    - Click: "Need help?"
    - Click: "Yes" to over ride the lock.

    That's what worked for me.
  • If I override the lock is there a chance of the entire document becoming unlinked?
  • No, it's safe to do it in this instance.
This discussion has been closed.