Parent item 15876345/IJ9JPBJC of highlight annotation must be a PDF attachment


I have just installed Zotero and transferred all my Mendeleye bibliography through the online manager, everything worked well, although when I'm trying to synchronize now my Zotero library... I get these kinds of errors again and again: "Parent item 15876345/IJ9JPBJC of highlight annotation must be a PDF attachment", so far I successfully resolved a few of them by going into the "Zotero/storage" folder, found the folder number causing problem and finding the article inside, then I deleted additional annotation that were showing in the software. However, for this last one I'm stuck, as there was only the pdf showing, so I tried to delete the pdf, but it didn't delete it from the IJ9JPBJC folder... so then I deleted by hand that folder... but nothing worked, the software stays stuck... and impossible to skip the error to synchronize further. That's a pity as I'm paying for unlimited storage, but I can't synchronize anything...

I'm having Debian 12 and here is the ID of the report for further details:

ID du rapport : 244509157

Thanks in advance for your help!

  • You can always find the offending item by pasting its ID (i.e., in this case, "IJ9JPBJC") into the search box in Zotero.

    It seems an item has been created, based on data from Mendeley, that contains annotations but maybe shouldn't. Do you know if the item in question is a PDF and should it contain annotations?

    To help us investigate, could you run the following using Tools -> Developer -> Run JavaScript:

    Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKey(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID, "IJ9JPBJC")

    And paste the result here (or email to with a link to this thread).

    Finally if you find the offending item as explained above, delete the item and then delete it from the trash, sync problem should be resolved.

  • Hi thanks for the help,

    I actually already searched for the "IJ9JPBJC" folder and deleted the file and folder manually (+ emptied the trash with rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*). Because surprisingly there were no annotations in this file and nothing else showing than the pdf file in the Zotero software... (while for previous errors of this type there were some annotations showing on top of the pdf file that I was able to delete which was resolving the error). But here the error is persisting. Here is the JavaScript results:

    "key": "IJ9JPBJC",
    "version": 1825,
    "itemType": "attachment",
    "title": "Taylor et al. - 2021 - Remote. - 2021 - Remote sensing of the mountain cryosphere Current capabilities and future opportunities for research",
    "parentItem": "3IJJEUQ8",
    "linkMode": "imported_file",
    "contentType": "application/octet-stream",
    "charset": "",
    "filename": "Taylor et al. - 2021 - Remote. - 2021 - Remote sensing of the mountain cryosphere Current capabilities and future opportunities for research",
    "tags": [],
    "relations": {
    "mendeleyDB:fileHash": [
    "dateAdded": "2023-10-13T14:53:46Z",
    "dateModified": "2023-10-13T14:53:47Z",
    "deleted": true

    which correspond to the right file, although I deleted it now and this folder (IJ9JPBJC) does not exist anymore, while I imported back this paper which is now in a new folder (~/Zotero/storage/YR9KXS8F).

    So I'm still stuck so far with the synchronization that is still stuck on the "IJ9JPBJC" folder (which does not exist anymore in the Zotero storage folders). However, it was maybe not a good idea to delete it manually?

    Thanks for the help!

    (+ if there are any way to bypass this error automatically it would be great, as I only was able to synchronize a few hundreds MB so far, while I have many GB and I had to delete annotations a dozen of times before while the synchronization stops every time... or stay stuck as now, so it's not so convenient so far... although I can still go through it manually - if it works back-, but it will take me days to finish synchronizing all my bibliography... but that's only a suggestion and I don't know if that's possible without really knowing how Zotero works so far).
  • Deleting a file on disk doesn't affect data syncing in Zotero.

    That attachment item is in the trash in Zotero, though, so if you empty the trash, this should go away.

    It looks like this was a PDF without a file extension, which caused it to not be detected properly as a PDF even though it imported annotations for it. We'll fix that in the importer. Zotero 7, currently in beta, should correct these automatically when you open them, for what that's worth.

    Thanks for your help in debugging this!
  • Ok great thank you, I didn't realize there were a Trash in Zotero. It resolved the error :D

    Thanks a lot, although I'm still a bit doubtful about my storage, as my previous Mendeleye bibliography folder was 17 GB, now the Zotero/storage folder is 7.8 GB, and it shows only about 700 MB on the Zotero online storage page, while actually the synchronization seems done now... I will see, maybe I actually had a storage limitation on Mendeleye without realizing it (as it was always showing syncing successfully). Anyway, if I miss any files I still have them somewhere on my Dropbox, so I'll add them to Zotero if needed little by little. The most important is I have all the citations, which seems to be the case :)

    Thanks again for the help!
  • now the Zotero/storage folder is 7.8 GB, and it shows only about 700 MB on the Zotero online storage page
    You have 7.5 GB in your online library now.
  • Oh ok great, thank you! I guess there was a delay between when I looked and now, thanks again, so everything looks fine :)
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