Order of fields in Podcast Citations

I'm trying to cite a podcast, and I used the "issued: yyyy-mm-dd" and "container title" for the date and name of the podcast, but when it's rendered in Turabian 9th edition note style, the order of each individual field is incorrect.

This is how it looks: Malcolm Gladwell, “Hamlet Was Wrong,” Revisionist History, August 6, 2020, https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/revisionist-history/hamlet-was-wrong.

This is the way it should look: Malcolm Gladwell, "Hamlet Was Wrong," August 6, 2020, in /Revisionist History/, podcast, https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/revisionist-history/hamlet-was-wrong.

So it should be: Host, "Episode," date, in , podcast, page #, URL.

I can't figure out how to rearrange the sequence of the fields in the CSL editor. Any advice?
  • I was able to fix this on the CSL Editor. I can send it to anyone who's looking for this type of thing. Podcast Name goes in notes as "container title:" and date goes in notes as "issued:". The order of everything should be correct according to Chicago/Turabian.
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