Copy as bibitem format

I'm new to Zotero. I prefer creating bibitem for the latex bibliography.
When I copy let's say APS format any reference it gives:
''[1]S. C. Glotzer, Editorial: Soft Matters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 050001 (2015).''
However, I am trying to create directly create bibliography from item as:
"\bibitem{Glotzer2015} S. C. Glotzer, Editorial: Soft Matters, \href{DOI}{Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 050001 (2015).}" format.
Sorry if I bring a similar question again. If so, could you please provide me with the discussion link, else could anyone please help me regarding my query?
  • You can configure the Quick Copy format in the preferences.

    Note that if you're using a BibTeX-based workflow, you want to use the Better BibTeX extension, and then select the Better BibTeX export format instead.
  • This is an interesting one though - it calls for a combination of what citeproc can do and what BBT can do. The formatted part of the entry would be easiest to reproduce with citeproc; with the BBT hack to put it n the note field and a custom style you'd get mostly there. That leaves making sure the formatted entry is bib(la)tex-safe, which is technically doable, but unpretty. And quite clunky.

    Why use bibitem though? I've only ever seen it used as a half-product, eg when a publisher wants "frozen" content that can be rendered in a reproducible way.
  • "when a publisher wants "frozen" content that can be rendered in a reproducible way."

    This seems to be the case, e.g., with Springer.

    Entries in the \begin{thebibliography} look like

    \bibitem{seaborgNuclearFissionTransuranium1989} G. T. Seaborg, Nuclear Fission and Transuranium Elements: 50 Years Ago, J. Chem. Educ. 66, 379 (1989).

    Is there a way to ctrl+shift+c which includes the \bibitem and cite key?

  • But why not produce those with bibtex? I suppose I could run citeproc, get the output, and convert it to latex, but you'd effectively be doing manual citation management. Using bibtex to produce it would mean it's always be in sync with your article text.
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