Zotero 7 beta: EPUBs are being sent to external reader

  • I can't seem to get this to work, epub files are being sent to the external reader instead. I have the 'Open EPUBs using' setting set to 'Zotero'.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID for reproducing this?
  • I think so: D1444733413

    I just found and clicked on an epub in my library; Zotero sent it to the external app instead of opening it.
  • Ah, so that's an EPUB you added years ago, before Zotero recognized EPUB files, so as far as Zotero is concerned it's just a generic data file.

    We'll add something for the next beta to recognize old files like this.
  • Ah great. Yes, dropping it back into Zotero as a new entry means it opened fine; I didn't think to check that before. I'll just use that as a workaround in the meantime, thanks!
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