Select Area Feature for Epub files

This feature "Select Area" is great one because we can add some equations or figures side by side to highlights with other annotations. Please add this importune feature "Select Area" to epub as well.
  • Thank you dstillman this is big disadvantage in dealing with epub in zotero! actually i depends a lot on "select area" tool to capture images as charts or figures to review later in PDF.
  • edited September 16, 2023
    It's not a disadvantage with dealing with EPUBs "in Zotero", though — the point is that an area annotation isn't possible in a file format where the layout can reflow.

    We could consider having a modified version of the area-annotation tool that let you select by page element for EPUBs and snapshots. That could let you select specific images, for example. You just wouldn't be able to use it in the same way, where you could select an arbitrary rectangle on the page, and thumbnails wouldn't necessarily be consistent across devices.
  • This is will be very helpful. The exiting tool in PDF can be used in selecting images, figures, equations, text in different languages (other than english) that can't be highlighted.
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