Zotero PDF-reader, pick-colors to get descriptive name

Text highlighting of text passages in PDF document open in Zotero PDF reader. It is reasonable to use colors in consistent way over whole Zotero library, however existing color names reflect merely the color and doesn't present intention user assigned to particular color.
If library is huge and/or writing spawns over multiple weeks or months it gets easy to forget assigned color purpose. Consistent color usage get's lost.
User needs to maintain document external to Zotero in order to not lose the consistency.

Example of color purpose assignment:
green - I want to cite this statement
red - statement is disputable
blue - I don't agree with this
orange - to follow this track further
There are uncountable possible ways to assign purpose of highlighting.

Any means exist to assign user-defined names to highlighting colors in Zotero?
  • There exists numerous possible reasons why a Zotero user makes text highlighting - here highlighting colors help. It would be very helpful to keep chosen highlight color purpose visible in color label text - consistent color scheme usage on long distance is possible.
  • Yes, This would be very helpful
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