In the selection of reference type, please add "Foundation" type.

In the selection of reference type, please add "Foundation" type.
  • What is a Foundation?
  • such as “Funding: This research was funded by the Pan African University of Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation (PAUSTI) and National Research Fund (NRF), Kenya (Flash Floods and Erosion in Enkare Narok Basin: Causes and Management).” and "This research was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant Nos. 2016YFC0402500, 2016YFC0501602, and 2016YFC0501705)", these are foundations, and I have the similar fund applications, and now I want to save it in zotero, but I can't find the corresponding type.
  • Oh, that's funding, so you'd want a grant item type? Has come up before, but I don't think these are typically cited as independent items, so I don't see that as high priority, so would just use the Report item type for them instead.
  • Yes, I think it's necessary. Admittedly, we don't use this type when writing papers and citations, but when I use Zotero as a data collection tool, it's still necessary to add this type. Of course, it's also necessary to put it in the Report, but it's too uncomfortable for obsessive-compulsive disorder, haha.
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