
edited August 10, 2023
报告 ID: 1051197902

[error output removed — D.S.]
  • We always need an example URL for problems with saving.
  • 更新知网用的translator试试,如果是Zotero 6,可以用茉莉花插件更新。
  • @johnmy: I understand you're trying to help, but please just let people provide the information we ask for. If it becomes clear someone is relying on third-party code, we can deal with it at that point, but when people come here and report problems, we need to go through our normal process first.
  • edited August 10, 2023
    ok. In most case, I think it relates to cnki.js translator issue, one of my friend @l0o0 maintain a custom cnki.js translator.
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