NBER translator issue -- line.replace is not a function

I can't get the NBER translator to work on Firefox 3.5/OSX. I have upgraded to the latest and greatest Firefox and Zotero, and disabled all other extensions. According to the debug output, the problem is a call to "line.replace", which is no function.

Here's the debug:

message => line.replace is not a function
fileName => chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/translate.js
lineNumber => 1109
stack => doImport()@chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/translate.js:1109

name => TypeError
url => http://papers.nber.org/papers/w15339#fromrss
downloadAssociatedFiles => true
automaticSnapshots => true
  • Ah - I figured it out. It was due to my url containing the #fromrss anchor. This should be easy to fix, but I suck too much at js to try. It's easy to avoid, though: Just edit the address line and load the article without the "#fromrss".
  • Don't want to open a new topic: shouldn't NBER working papers be classified as [reports] instead of [journal articles]? Example: http://www.nber.org/papers/w9457

    Clicking the icon on the url bar results in a [journal article]. Same thing happens for a handful of other sites.
  • [JavaScript Error: "TypeError: line.replace is not a function" {file: "file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Jim%20Leis/My%20Documents/Data/Citations/translators/National%20Bureau%20of%20Economic%20Research.js" line: 0}]

    I don't know what that means, but my url does not include "#fromrss" as explained above, but the translator will not work. I disabled all add-ins, as well as Google gears and java script quick starter. Hope that helps since it's way above my pay grade:)

    Zotero is perhaps the most fantastic plug-in I have ever seen. A sincere thank you for the giant brains that have worked on this project.
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