Zotfile suddenly stopped renaming and saving as PDF file

From one day to another - no changes in any settings - the automatic local storage and renaming of files doesn't work anymore.

Before this problem I used Zotero Connector in Firefox to save a paper in Zotero (for example from the database PubMed). With installed ZotFile and Better BibTex my setup automatically created a PDF file in a designated folder AND renamed it using the citationkey, so e.g. the file was named "wang2020".

Without changing any settings consciously now this doesn't work anymore. What's happening now is: Using Zotero Connector as usual, an entry in my Zotero bib is created. However now in the designated folder a file is saved called "pdf" and the file type is "file" (in German "Datei").

I can open this file called "pdf" with a PDF reader.

Looking foward to your help regarding diagnosis and therapy.

  • Could you give a specific example (as in, a URL, not just the database) for a page you're importing from?
  • edited August 2, 2023
    And I assume manually renaming (manage attachments --> Rename) doesn't work either? Best guess would be that something is wrong with the wildcard you're using for renaming the file -- what have you set up there?

    Edit: never mind -- multiple people are reporting this, see

    @emilianoeheyns -- any thoughts from your end?
  • Manually renaming doesn't work, you are right.

    My wildcard setting:
    - I have created a screenshot, it is in my cloud:


    - 'Using Zotero to Rename' is unchecked
    - Format for all Item Types except Patents: {%b}
    - Format for all Patents: {%a_}{%y_}{%t}

    Update: I have tested something right now: In the ZotFile Preferences in Zotero in 'Renaming Rules' I changed '{%b}' to '{%b}.pdf' - with this a real pdf file is saved now (not just a file of the type 'file') - unfortunately it is still just named with 'pdf' and not with the citation key.
  • I have the same problem, it seems like Zotfile can't use %b correctly since the latest Bibtex-Update (yesterday...)
  • edited August 3, 2023
    This is due to an issue between Zotfile and Better BibTeX, caused seemingly by a recent update

    see this issue on BBT

    see also this issue on ZotFile

    should likely be fixed once this pull request on Zotfile (by BBT’s developer) is merged. https://github.com/jlegewie/zotfile/pull/662/commits
  • I've added it back for backwards compat in .101, but plugins are going to want to use the new field, because that will also work without BBT when the formal citation key field comes to Zotero.
  • edited August 4, 2023
    I am facing the same issue, I use the same naming rule for ZotFile `{%b}` wildcard, but it doesn't work anymore. I updated to ZotFile development version v5.1.3, but it has renamed the file to %b, so it didn't work as expected. I am on Linux; how about you, any success? If no immediate fix is there, can I meanwhile rename a PDF attachment MANUALLY using the ZotFile renaming rule? Your help is greatly appreciated.
  • Make sure to update Better BibTeX
  • edited August 4, 2023
    Thanks, I updated BibTeX, but it didn't work too; it renamed the PDF attachment to %b again. I had to rename it manually from the file metadata right pane. Also, I noticed that the plugin zotxt (to keep the current file of all references) is not working anymore. All related settings of zotxt (v6.0.2) in the preferences have disappeared. Tools ----> Addon worked at first, but after using renaming of ZotFile multiple times, it broke and didn't open anymore. Numerous issues; please help.
  • edited August 4, 2023
    I don't understand
    Thanks, I updated BibTeX, but didn't work too, renamed the PDF attachment to %b again. I had to rename it manually from the file metadata right pane.
    Issues with zotxt would have to be discussed with the zotxt developer. It's not super widely used and I don't know how well maintained it is.

    I also don't understand
    Tools ----> Addon, works at first but after using renaming of ZotFile multiple times, it broke, it doesn't open anymore.
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