DOI fields for item types other than journal article

Increasingly, publications other than papers published in peer-reviewed journals are assigned DOIs. When is Zotero going to add DOI fields for more item types (especially reports, books, and book sections). Thank you --
  • Eventually.
    Meanwhile you can add it to your extra field and that will be transferred to a proper field once available.
    DOI: 10........
  • I first suggested this in 2013. How long is "eventually"? DOI is becoming standard for more than peer-reviewed journals. (I already put DOI into "Extra" when there's no DOI field, but thanks.)
  • No ETA on features. Good chance it'll happen soon, but could also easily take another year or two -- tweaking the data schema of a complex, synced ecosystem is challenging. In the meantime, the Extra solution works for most purposes (import, export, citation, storage)
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