Sync error because storage is reportet full, account says 0MB are used.

Report-ID 77159832
Hi, my zotero doesn't sync anymore, giving me the information that i my storage is used and I should open my account settings to get more storage. But when I do this, my current plan says I am using 0MB from the free 300MB. Is this a zotero error or could this have something to do with the fact that I had to buy new Microsoft office license since the one from my university account expired? I was a student at University and used a student license up until now. But I created my Zotero-Account with my private e-mail adress and the account seems to be working. At least, I can login.
Could someone tell me where the fault is? I just want to figure it out before I pay for storage and end up with the same problem.
  • Zotero devs will be able to tell from your report ID, but in almost all cases this happens when you use a different account to sync than the one you're looking at here. Check the username in the Zotero Sync pane -- it should say JuleAlbrecht exactly (or it should say the primary email listed here: )

    If it doesn't, do not try to change this in your local copy of Zotero.
  • Thats what I thought too but as far as I remeber, I only have this one account. But I may be wrong about this, since it was I few years ago that I created it.
    The username in the zotero Sync pane is nearly exactly the same, just with a space between my Name and Surname. Does this make a difference? Does this mean those are two different accounts? What should I do now without risking to loose my data?
  • Yes, those are different Zotero accounts.
  • Okay, thanks! so can someone tell me how I move all my data from the old account (to whom I dont have access anymore since my university mail expired) to my obviously private new one?
  • You don't want to do that. Email and we can help you add your current email address to the old one.
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