Changing article location on a new laptop - ZotFile

Hi there!

I've been using zotero and have recently changed laptops. I have managed to sync the appearance of zotero and my library in zotero without issue.

My articles were all in a folder named Article Library on google drive, so those pdf files have all come across.

However, when I click on the file within zotero, it is trying to find the file at:
C:\Users\prais\Google Drive\Article Library...

Whereas, on my new laptop, for whatever reason google drive is set up as G:\My Drive, so now the file is located at:
G:\My Drive\Article Library...

I have ZotFile installed and have correctly entered the location of files - so this is fine for any new articles I add to Zotero moving forward, but not for the ones already there.

Other than going through each of my files in zotero and updating the location, is there a quick way to do this?

Thanks in advance!

  • In addition to updating Zotfile's settings, there is a setting in Zotero itself you must update. In Edit-->Settings-->Advanced-->Files and Folders you need to change the "Linked Attachment Base Directory."
  • So simple - thank you, that has worked!
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