How can I save the online images with the offline mode directly to the zotero notes?

How can I save the online images directly to Zotero notes using the offline mode?

When I copy the online images to the note, they are still online images, but I want offline images. Now the only way I can do is by screenshot. Is there a better way?
  • Can you explain exactly how you're copying?
  • edited July 6, 2023
    Hi @dstillman,
    I copy an image from a blog webpage, open a Zotero note, and then paste the image into the note. The image is saved as an online web link such as
    My friend tells me that the only way to save the image offline is to take a screen snapshot and copy it to the note, or to save the image to local disk and paste it into the note.
  • edited July 7, 2023
    2023-07-07 Solution:
    Copy the Internet image to a local image processor software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and then copy the image from Microsoft PowerPoint to Zotero, it will storge image locally.
    Here is itemNotes database code:
    <p><img alt="" data-attachment-key="F5GBNPMY" width="469" height="625">&nbsp;</p>
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