Error syncing pdfs iPad to computer

edited June 16, 2023
Debug ID: D583059487

Listed issue: sync failed, too many queued items.

I uploaded ~7 pdfs to Zotero on iOS (iPad). 3 of them synced successfully, and I was able to retrieve the metadata on my computer, but 4 of them have not synced and I am unable to retrieve the metadata or open the pdfs from my computer.

As a side note, the error popup is tiny and hard to see that it's there until I select it, so I hadn't realized there was an error message at all until I looked up how to troubleshoot.

I also sometimes get an error that looks like this, but when I click on open item, that item is not one of the particular files I know I am struggling with:
Failed API response:

The Content-MD5 you specified did not match what we received.

[extra output removed — D.S.]
  • Edit: This resolved. By clicking on the item it says there was an issue with and opening it, I got it to tell me there were 4 sync issues. Then for each item with issues I opened / downloaded all related attachments. After doing that for an item, that item was removed from the sync issues, and I resolved all of them. Now the pdfs have synced. (None of the items with issues were the pdfs that I was struggling to sync)
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