Synching content (notes, attachments etc.) betw My Library and a Group Library

Hello, I am still new-ish to Zotero and figuring things out. I have the desktop and online versions of Zotero and mostly use the online platform for adding items or more content to the items. In addition to My Library, I have some Group Libraries that I populate by dragging items from My Library.

I often add notes and attachments (pdfs) to my items. I have done that to items in either My Library or a Group Library indiscriminately, as I had assumed they would sync. However I just realized that if I add a pdf attachment to an item in the Group Library, for instance, it does not synch with the same item in My Library, so the pdf does not show up in the latter.

Is there a way of synching between My Library and the Group Library items so all content within any item is the same?

Thanks, Lorraine
  • No, unfortunately not at this time. It's been planned for quite some time, but since not everyone wants the same behavior, getting this right isn't easy.

    Only way to kind of do this is to delete the item in the group, empty the group trash, and then re-drag it from My Library. Obviously that's a one-directionaly 'sync' only. Getting updates from both libraries isn't possible at all.
  • Wow adamsmith thanks so much for the quick reply. Glad I am realizing this now rather than after loading up the libraries. I'll do as you suggest for the items with issues.
  • edited May 11, 2023
    (Emptying the group trash is no longer necessary. We did at least fix that annoying requirement.)
  • > since not everyone wants the same behavior
    I also hope this feature will appear in the future.
  • Also hope to see this feature.
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