Endnotes, recommended reading, bibliography (two bibliographies)

New to Zotero and grateful for all help. I'm writing a book. Currently in Word — one long document. What's the best way of achieving the following?

1. Body text containing endnote references.
2. Then a short (20 – 30 item) list of recommended reading.
3. Then the endnotes (several hundred).
4. Then a full bibliography (several hundred items), containing all the citations in the endnotes (and the recommended reading, though those citations are likely all in the endnotes too).

Many thanks!
  • You'd use a style like Chicago Manual (full note) to automate endnotes and bibliography. The recommended reading you'd just copy over from Zotero using "Create Bibliography" --> Clipboard, e.g. from a collection to which you've added those recommended items. That "recommended bibliography" (or however you'll call it) will be just text, so you can add comments/notes on why you're recommending something.
  • Thanks so much, @adamsmith. That's exactly what I needed to know. Really appreciate it.
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