Zotero multiplying Bibliography / Hyperlinks automatically added in Bibliography in word


I am working on a Google word document and have added hyperlinks throughout my text, linking some of the content to it's original source. These sources are not included as part of my in-text citation so Zotero hasn't automatically included them in my Bibliography page. As a result, I manually added these sources through the add/edit bibliography function. I've noticed that Zotero is now multiplying my bibliography every time I hit refresh or add a citation. I have a 120 page document that should only be 20 pages long. Is this because I manually inserted the bibliography that is not in the in-text citation? How do I fix it?

Also, is there a way Zotero can pick up the hyperlink sources without me having to manually add them in? The sources to the hyperlinks are saved in my Zotero Library. Or is my only option to include them in the in-text citation?

  • edited June 2, 2023
    Is this because I manually inserted the bibliography that is not in the in-text citation?
    That's not a known issue, but you can test. Make a copy of the document (File → Make a copy), delete the bibliography completely, reinsert it, and try re-adding uncited sources.
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