Zotero Connector saving book as book chapter from De Gruyter

Hi all,
I think there might be a problem with the de Gruyter translator.
When opening a book on De Gruyter (e.g. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.4159/9780674276543) the Zotero icon correctly changes to a book. When clicking and saving it, however, the book is wrongly entered into my library as book chapter.

Connector Version: 5.0.108
Firefox Version: 113.0.1
  • Hello, this issue is being caused by a change we made to the translator recently - thanks for reporting it. We'll have it fixed soon.
  • Perfect, thank you!
  • edited October 15, 2023
    Any updates on the fix? Using the latest Zotero beta I'm still having this issue where books are imported as book sections from the browser connector.

    On a related note, I would love if the translator for De Gruyter could import individual chapter PDFs with useful title metadata into the same book entry in bulk with the browser connector (much like importing from Project MUSE).
    EDIT: looks like this issue was discussed last year too https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/423102/
  • Hi, I used to be able to download separate book chapters from DE Gruyter through the connector by rightclicking it and selecting "DOI" instead of De Gruyter. This would allow me to check the chapters I wanted and download them. Unfortunately this doesn't work anymore, either.
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