double number for each citation in bibliography - "[1] [1] some cite"

I get the following in my bibliography (in word 2007), how to remove one of the duplicate leading numbers? I'm using zotero 2.1.5 and zotero word integration 3.1, the citation style is IEEE
[1] [1] Weiser M. The computer for the 21 century [J]. Scientific American, 1991, 265(3): 94–104.
[2] [2] Satyanarayanan M. Pervasive computing: Vision and challenges [J]. IEEE Personal Communications, 2001, 8(4): 10–17.
[3] [3] Gal CL, Martin J, Lux A, Crowley JL. Smart Office: Design of an Intelligent Environment [J]. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2001, 16(4): 60-66.
[4] [4] Cook DJ, Youngblood M, Heierman III EO, Gopalratnam K, Rao S, Litvin A, Khawaja F. MavHome: An agent-based smart home [C]// Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2003.(PerCom 2003). 2003. 521–524.
  • turns out to be my word style problem, I deleted style "bibliography" from word style list and then refreshed bibliogrphy, the problem is gone.

    looks like zotero word integration remembered the word style that WAS used on the bibliography, but refuse to remember a new one.
  • Good to hear you were able to solve it. I think what's happening there is that the plugin sets the style name on the bibliography, but does not alter the parameters if the style already exists.
  • Thank you for answering.

    If your point is the true reason, I think "not altering the parameters" may be a purposely chosen behaviour. This give a user the flexibility to change the style named "bibliography" to his own likings, without being overridden on next bibliography refresh.

    The problem happen to me is that when I changed the style of the bilbliography (removing paragraph numbering), word defines a new style named "bibliography + foo", yet style "bibliography" is unchanged. And next bib refresh still uses the style without "+foo".

    If what I said it right, I suggest to detect the actual style on the bibliography paragraphs, and apply it next time. Or inform the user to always change the "bibliography" style when he change the bib paragraph directly.
  • I have this problem and dont understand how to solve it with this explanation
  • Start by changing to a different citation style and back again. That should fix this issue. If not, can you describe exactly what you’re seeing?
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