Loose all library...

Hello everyone,

i'm french so sorry for bad explanations...

So...on my old pc i had Zotero with a big library. But that PC began to have bug so i decided to change for another one.

So i cutted and past all the Zotero Folder to the new PC by thinking all the library would be copied too...but now when i open Zotero one the new PC all my library has diseppeard...

In the Zotero Folder there's a .sql file up to 1000Ko and i tried the back up as explain on the web but it dosen't work at all...i'm completly lost and really disapointed as my library represent one year of work...

Please tell me there's a way to back up my library and tha it's not loose for ever...

Thanks lot
  • edited May 10, 2023
    A 1 MB zotero.sqlite file is an empty database. You would have that if you copied an unused Zotero data directory or you copied the wrong files, in which case Zotero would create a new, empty database.

    See Locating Missing Zotero Data for more details on what you're looking for, and Transferring a Library on how you actually transfer your data between computers.
  • ok thanks lot for your answer...here is a first clue to my question i'm afraid...

    If someone has an idea or a tips i could try...

    Is there a way that my library data can be find on my old pc?
  • You can use Everything or Listary to search the zotero.sqlite file,
  • Is there a way that my library data can be find on my old pc?
    @fabcla: I linked to documentation on exactly that.
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