Copying links from proxied article page: how?

edited January 5, 2022
I love Zotero's proxy function, which helps me to quickly access articles through my university proxy. However, I run into troubles when I need to retrieve the article's original (un-proxied) DOI or URL, which is relatively often.
The problem here is not only that the URL in the browser's URL bar is proxied (it is instead of The problem is that in every single place in which the article's URL or DOI is mentioned in the webpage, said URL/DOI is replaced with its proxied version. So, there is nowhere to copy the article's original URL/DOI from.
So my question is: is there a way to copy-paste the (unproxied) article URL/DOI that I am missing? Or do I really have to manually fix the URL/DOI every single time?
  • That's really a question for EZProxy, which has this annoying behavior (it's so annoying that some publishers like Cambridge UP have dedicated javascript on their site to reverse it after loading).

    *However* Zotero is able to help you with this: The URL and DOI of items you import to Zotero is automatically unproxied, so you can copy from Zotero's info pane.
  • Oh, I didn't know you relied on a third-party service. Thanks anyway!

    You are right that copying from Zotero is an option, I didn't think of that.
    It may be quicker than the manual fix when I want to save the paper; when I don't, it may be easier to simply fix the URL manually.
  • It's not Zotero that relies on a third party service: it's your university. Zotero just helps you to navigate that more conveniently.
    Without Zotero, you'd have to go through your library website every time to get remote authentication using the same EZProxy service (or you'd have to manually rewrite the URL, which is what I do when I don't have Zotero on a computer).
  • Yes, I know, that's why I started my post saying "I love Zotero's proxy function"!
    Thanks for clarifying the details though <3
  • In the latest Zotero Connector beta for Firefox, we've added Copy Unproxied Page URL and Copy Unproxied Link options to the page and link context menus. This will be included in version 5.0.104 of the Connector soon.
  • This is great, thanks for the update!
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