Import from Citavi to Zotero

Hey Team,

I am trying to copy my projects from Citavo to Zotero because I'd like to use this citation manager for upcoming projects.

I found the following page:

When I try to import my backup file I receive the following error: The format of the selected file is not supported. There is no option to unzip the file (as suggested in your instructions) before trying to upload it.
Furthermore, I do not understand how I should add my pdf-files to the backup file so that I am able to import not only the references but also the attachements. What file type is requested here?

The alternative of importing a risformat works perfectly fine. However, I'd prefer to import my annotations and attachements as well.

Best regards!
  • edited April 19, 2023
    The file mentioned in the instruction is a zip file but has a different extension. To extract it you either need to change the extension to .zip or use a software dedicated to archiving/unarchiving files, e.g., 7zip.

    Also please note that file extensions are often hidden by the operating system, so to change the extension you might need to enable extension visibility.
    Furthermore, I do not understand how I should add my pdf-files to the backup file so that I am able to import not only the references but also the attachements. What file type is requested here?
    As explained in the instructions, attachments need to be copied into a specific folder during the import so that Zotero can find them during the import. File format is irrelevant here.
  • Thanks for the fast reply.

    I managed to import my files into Zotero now - appreciate your help.
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