Cannot open hyperlinks to references, in pdf created with google doc

I received a pdf, I wanted to see the references.
References contains hyperlinks like:

But the page only redirects to zotero web site, and cannot see the reference.

I see the alert:

You likely ended up here by clicking on a citation created by Zotero in a Google Doc.
To safely edit the document, you should install the Zotero Connector for your browser.

I don't want to edit the document, just see the reference.

How can I do?

My zotero connect is installed and working fine if I am the one adding eferences to my GDoc.
I want to read the references embedded in hyperlinks of pdf of other authors.
  • Zotero creates these hyperlinks in Google Docs because there is no better way to create citations in Google Docs. The links don't lead anywhere and the feature you are looking for does not exist with Zotero. You can see full citation information in the bibliography, if it is inserted in the document (usually at the end of it).
  • Ah ok, I thought it was a tech issue.
    Thanks for clarifying it.

    An improvement could be to let the user specify a query based on citation, e.g.

    BASE_URL + "keyword"+"author"
    BASE_URL = ""
  • No, the links are just a storage mechanism for the plugin and aren't meant to remain in any final document you create. Zotero should be showing you a warning before you try to download the file in any format if you haven't unlinked citations. If it's not, that's a bug, and we'd want steps to reproduce.
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