Crashes on pdf on ipad when reading docs error log 237642545

237642545 Error log

Reading an article and touch with my pencil and the iPad crashes out of Zotero. It has happened frequently in the last week.

On IPad Pro running ios16.2

Note that iPad has downloaded new update 16.3 overnight, not yet installed.

Can anyone help please?


  • Are you able to reproduce this reliably with a specific file? If so, can you email it to us at with a link to this thread, and also share here the specific steps to reproduce?
  • @Mameeskye you don't need to send us PDF for this one, sorry for confusion. We should have a fix in place soon. I'll let you know when it's out so that you can confirm it's fixed for you.
  • @Sine.Niceanraig can you update to 1.0.14 in App Store and see whether it still crashes for you?
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