Zotero Firefox Plug-in Not Working

Error code: 129312138

I recently updated both Firefox and Zotero, and the plug-in no longer works. When I try to save anything, nothing saves.

I can use the plug-in on Chrome just fine.

Is there a compatibility issue with Firefox?
  • See https://www.zotero.org/support/troubleshooting_translator_issues

    Go through the whole list and if it doesn't fix your issue, make sure you provide the information described at the bottom of that article.
  • Thank you! None of these were the direct problem, but I figured out what happened. I had opened a document in one of the Firefox container tabs which does block some cookies, and that tripped up the system.

    Problem solved, and thank you for following up!
  • @clgivens I'm having the same issue. What was your solution to using Zotero Connector within a Firefox container?
  • I had to disable some of the security options: I changed security permissions so that third-party cookies were allowed (on that website in the container) and then it worked out just fine.
  • Can you list the steps you used for whatever version of firefox you have? Doesn't seem to be working for me.
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