coding/tagging articles for a meta-analysis

We are using Zotero for our meta analysis lit review, & we have downloaded lots of hits from our search into a collection. Now we are pre-coding, but there are over 2000 hits. How can we code/tag a few items, step away, then know where to resume our coding?

Maybe a more succinct way to put this is: how can we easily see the items that are not yet tagged? (but that isn't quite accurate if Zotero includes some auto-generated tags)
  • I have a tag, /tohere, which I know means "if you sort by date added, you've processed everything before this item"
  • That is a great/easy solution that might work for us. We have batch-uploaded results from our search, so the date added is the same for every entry, but if we sorted by title, the tag could work in the same way, I think...
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