Ipad sync error and battery drain

In the past week my iPad battery has drained significantly while annotating articles in Zotero. I again notice that articles recently saved on my windows computer and that sore in my web library are not in the app. A sync error regarding file size appears. I tried debugging but an not sure if the Sun error will shore up in the report as it only came on the screen after I ended the debug recording. Debug D1062192917
It spiders my app is up to date with 1.0.9
  • Your Debug ID doesn't show a sync that triggers this error. Can you try again? You can generate a sync by pulling down on the items list.
  • Thanks. This one should have it as I saw the notification come up when I was running debug. D729435303
  • An update: From the documentation page (https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/changes_not_syncing), I found this information: "If you see a red error icon to the left of the sync icon (desktop app) or an error in the bottom left (iOS), an error has occurred during the sync. Click the icon or tap the message to view the error. It may give you enough information to fix the problem yourself, or you can post to the Zotero Forums for further assistance. Be sure to include the message you're receiving and a Report ID in your forum post."

    I tapped on the error message and it took me to an article. I opened the PDF and then resynced and while I still got the same error, the files I was looking for that hadn't synced have now appeared.

    However, if I pull down on the collections, I continue to get the same error. When I click on the error, it takes me to a different item each time. The only thing I see in common is that the items the error message takes me to do not have their PDFs downloaded the iPad. I don't see a way to "download" all items and I have too many to go through manually. (Also, I am unclear about storage space so have been hesitant to have all the files stored on the iPad, but this may be moot if I have enough space, but probably still interferes with backups.)

    I am fairly certain that the sync error is new and probably coincides with the battery drain/screen being hot.

    Thanks for your continued help!
  • @AEntwood do you remember whether you tried switching between Zotero Storage and WebDAV storage on your iOS app at some point? It's in Settings -> Account -> File Syncing.
  • @michalrentka I do not believe I did that before the issue began. In troubleshooting, I looked at all the settings and may have clicked on WebDAV but I don’t know what it is or how to use it, so switched back to the other option.

    I have now confirmed that syncing to the desktop site from the iPad app works fine, but not the other way around. And I am longer getting a sync error on iPad but the libraries are still not synced.
  • @AEntwood can you please share new Debug ID of a sync on the iPad app? I'd like to see whether everything goes through.
  • edited February 22, 2023
    If you’re still having trouble syncing, see the Changes Not Syncing page again and provide the requested info from the appropriate device.
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