CSL how to show all initials?

I am trying to list authors including all their initials:
Jack John Doe : Doe JJ,
So far I have which unfortunately suppresses all but the first initial:
<names variable="author">
<name sort-separator=" " initialize-with="" name-as-sort-order="all"
delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>

Another thing is adding an & before the last author.
On that I am completely lost.

  • <name sort-separator=" " initialize-with="" name-as-sort-order="all" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>

    Gives you Doe JJ, for Jack John Doe. Make sure the data is entered correctly in Zotero.

    To add the & add anywhere in that line
    and="symbol" (to use "and" instead, use and="text")

    you know you can use the csledit panel at chrome://zotero/content/tools/csledit.xul
    to look at styles and how they format? Looking at existing styles and toying with them is a great way to learn.
  • Thank you,
    I somehow missed the and=".." attribute in the bibliography section.
    Have it in the citation section though ...

    Yes I do know about the edit panel and yes I am learning ;)

    For the initials however:
    Only the first one is displayed the following ones are suppressed.

    This occurs for all references even though they correctly display in the Zotero reference pane.

    Any other ideas about this problem?
  • Turns out that you are right about the format of the reference being "wrong?"
    Some of the references I have are imported from endnote so there might be a conversion problem there.

    So references may show up as E.J. but Zotero takes that as one name so only E will show up in the bibliography where EJ should have been.
    Is there a way to quickly fix this for all references in the DB?
  • oh, too bad. Yes people frequently have these types of issues coming from endnote.
    But maybe someone could weigh in if there is any reason not to treat E.J. as two initials from Zotero's side.

    No idea on a general fix, unfortunately.
  • Just checked the new processor (notionally due out early next year), and it was also incorrectly treating J.J. as a single word. Have adjusted the code to correctly split these to separate initials. Thanks for bringing this up!
  • Sure, just stumbled on it.

    BTW not sure about a type.
    In the references there is a type Book Section
    How do I address that type in csl?
    I tried:
    "book section", "book-section", "book chapter", "book-chapter"
    none of them seem to work.
  • Got it ..
    it is just chapter.

    Is there a mapping of terms in Zotero against terms in csl somewhere?
    Such as:
    University(Zotero) = publisher(csl)
  • chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/csl.js has

    hearing:"bill", // ??
    statute:"bill", // ??
    audioRecording:"song", // ??
    podcast:"song", // ??
    computerProgram:"book" // ??
  • as well as:
  • Frank - this initial-splitting is really shitting me here.
    It seems ludicrous that it's beyond the wit of the current processor to work out that "C.R." and "C. R." are the same bloke...

    Any chance the new CSL will be launched onto the world before end of March? :)
  • Not sure if citeproc-js covers that case yet, but I'll add a test and make sure it does. There will surely be lots of detail work needed to get it working with Zotero. The timetable is up to team Z, but deployment before the end of March seems very unlikely.
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